
学生 walking through the Cesar Chavez monument on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus.


圣何塞州立大学 is in many ways the original 硅谷 startup, continually evolving over more than 160 years to meet the needs of the region, state, nation and 世界. A comprehensive university education, granting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in 250 areas of study, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is an essential partner in the economic, cultural 以及硅谷和加州的社会发展. 拥有36000多名学生, 4,300 employees and over 350,000 alumni, the Spartan spirit is deeply ingrained across 全球.

A diverse group of students sit around our Statue of John Carlos and Tommie Smith.


Honoring our roots as the first public university in the West, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is an empowering institution enrolling historically underserved students, driving 包容, and embracing talent from diverse cultures from our region and across 全球. 上海大学的精神 innovation and creativity drives academic excellence, teaching, research, and service 在一个所有学生都属于的学习环境中. 我们一起培养领导者 to thrive and transform our 社区, 硅谷, and the 世界.


圣何塞州立大学 will be a nationally and globally recognized, student-centered public urban research university cultivating equity-minded social impact, global innovation, 社区参与.


我们做什么: We serve our diverse students by actively identifying and working towards dismantling 我们机构的系统性不平等. 通过消除障碍,我们提供了机会 to learn, grow and effect change in their spheres of influence as alumni.

我们如何努力做到这一点: We create an intellectual environment in which hands-on, transformational learning experiences help students, faculty, and staff collaboratively address complex issues 在全球社区中. We establish practices that address students’ holistic needs and support their academic excellence, personal development, and well-being.


我们做什么: We are the original start-up in 硅谷 and a downtown San Jose 锚定机构[pdf] that continues to ignite the next generation of talent locally and globally. 我们的贡献 to the continuous evolution and growth of this center of big ideas driven by big thinkers.

我们如何努力做到这一点: We lead with intentionality to increase the University’s presence and impact in a vibrant and diverse downtown San Jose 社区 as well as the wider Bay Area region while confronting challenging environmental, social, technological, and economic issues. We cultivate relentless curiosity, creativity, and entrepreneurship to drive every 这是我们工作的一部分.


我们做什么: We are committed to and embody the movement for social and racial justice. 我们的追求 to eradicate disparities  and advance justice encompasses all axes of difference, backgrounds, and identities and promotes a sense of belonging and empowerment in our 社区. 

我们如何努力做到这一点: We honor the dignity and resilience of all people, beginning with our region’s Indigenous 社区. We support intersectional identities across race, class, faith, gender, 性和能力使每个人都能出类拔萃. 我们培养同情心和公平心 文化上的谦逊. 我们为我们的社区提供教育体验 is rooted in socio-economic and culturally-affirming practices, encourages self-advocacy, and prepares students to be engaged citizens in a complex global 世界.


我们做什么: We uphold ethical behavior in all that we do as credible and h一个st citizens to our 大学、校友、社区和社会.

我们如何努力做到这一点: We embrace a culture of care and respect that delivers on our commitments to transparency, 对彼此和我们所服务的人诚实和正直. 我们把自己放在最高的位置 道德标准.


我们做什么: 我们在一起会更好. 我们提升了大学社区的体验,公众的体验 good, and the 社区 at large through intentional collaborations and partnerships.

我们如何努力做到这一点: We foster collaboration and teamwork in a manner that supports and advances our mission 和视觉. We build positive internal and external partnerships to ensure a safe, healthy, and productive environment that promotes achievement, well-being, career 准备和发现.


阅读全文 Campus Committee on 多样性, Equity and Inclusion: 行动计划框架, which provides a roadmap for the campus that is specific to diversity, equity and 包容.


转型2030 -上海大学的战略计划

Together - with 转换 2030 as the blueprint - our university’s students, faculty, staff, alumni and other supporters are all helping to realize San José State’s 定位为全国优秀的城市公立大学.




Founded in 1857, San José State's history began before the Civil War, as the first State Normal School, which trained teachers who educated the people of a young California. 现在, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is a dynamic comprehensive university that anchors the 10th largest city in the 美国,而斯巴达人遍布全球. 




学生 discover what inspires them through a breadth of majors, unique programs and opportunities for research—as well as more than 450 student organizations and 一级体育. 



Our 世界-class faculty and dedicated staff members educate and support our students 在他们教育旅程的各个阶段. 



Through our dynamic campus 社区 and international network of more than 350,000 alumni, opportunities abound for sharing a broad range of perspectives.

A students stands at the top of a high mountain while working on equipment to track wildfires.


With the support of alumni, parents, corporations, foundations, and others in the Spartan 社区, 菠菜网lol正规平台 students can follow their passions and discover their “why” 在菠菜网lol正规平台.
